Thursday, July 14, 2011

Top 10 Unbelievable Building Designs for Future

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Now a days, its age of technology, many software are using to make unbelievable concepts, like 3D Max, Maya and Vere. These software provides you great options for making renderings of the architectural designs in a perfect way.

10. Honorable Mention – Gaia Gift – Petar Milivojevic, Belgrade, Serbia

Honorable Mention - Gaia Gift - Petar Milivojevic, Belgrade, Serbia

09. Dynamic, Wind-Powered Rotating Tower, Dubai

08. The Venus Project-Working Toward Sustainable Global Civilization

The Venus Project Working Toward Sustainable Global Civilization

07. Dystopian Farming in Manhattan

06. Honorable Mention – Wandering City – Sergey Skachkov, Russia

Honorable Mention _ Wandering City _ Sergey Skachkov, Russia

05. Dragonfly, a Metabolic Farm for Urban Agriculture

Dragonfly, a Metabolic Farm for Urban Agriculture

04. Songjiang Hotel – Paradise in a Water-Filled Quarry

Songjiang Hotel - Paradise in a Water-Filled Quarry

03. Honorable Mention – Water Plant – David Gonzalez Fernandez, Spain

Honorable Mention Water Plant, Spain

02. Honorable Mention – In a Beautiful Place out in the Country – Colin Cassidy, Great Britain

Honorable Mention - In a Beautiful Place out in the Country - Colin Cassidy, Great Britain

01. Complex at the Centre of the Universe – Staszek Marek, Poland

Complex at the Centre of the Universe - Staszek Marek, Poland


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