Tuesday, July 12, 2011

10 Worst Parking Jobs

A maintenance truck loaded with two tons of gravel fell through a parking deck while clearing snow from its top level in northwest Georgia.

A BMW in Canada tries to park but runs over the other cars smashing the windows.

What a responsible driver. Smashes up the boom gate, doesn't care at all it's lying on the ground, checks the Benz for scratches and takes right off.

World record for the longest parking job: 4 minutes and counting.

Scene 1: I got my driver's license through the mail…

Parking exit fail!

A woman driver crashes her car while trying to park in order to change her car's oil.

I don't even know how to describe that: Girl parking cabrio…

Couple making out in parking garage forgot to set the parking brake.

Small car, small garage, sounds like a match.


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