Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mila Kunis had Assets Double in her Movie Friends With Benefits"

Hollywood celebrity Actress Mila Kunis recelty gave interview to reporters that she had a butts double in the movie 'Friends With Benefits' in which she was working as she was not comprotable with showing off her ass in the film.She Says, "I showed side boob and I figured I can't just give everything all away at once. I gotta let it all out in little pieces here and there," magazine Online quoted her as saying. She later revealed that special auditions had to be done to find her butts double among the young ladies.And the young girls had to show their booties to casting director to choose the ebst whose butts might resemble hers without looking like fake in the movie.Now we understand Mila you need to look hot and sexy to make screen on fire so that your fans crave for more but we wonder what if they demand you whole, would you use full body double or you will expose at right bid.

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