Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Top 10 Weirdest Diseases In The World




In this big world we live in, we still seem to live in our own little bubble of a life. We Close our eyes to the different wonders that life has offered to the unfortunates. These rare cases have been here for years but some forget or don’t realize they really do exist! Some of these diseases have attracted many eyes with amazement but at the same time, some of these diseases have twisted the stomach down to the soul. What you are about to encounter are a group of people who are just playing the cards they were dealt with in life. We all have a heart that God designed for us to live and love. So let us pray for these people and learn from them, instead of stare with utter disgust. The Ranksters present the Top 10 weirdest diseases in the world.


Progeria is a disease that occurs at a young age which induces accelerated growth. It goes through the normal aging cycle faster than normal which leaves you looking like you’re a 100 years old when in reality your still a toddler. Progeria is a rare disease that occur 1 in 8 million people and is recorded to have 30 to 40 people living with this condition worldwide. Progeria is suspected to be caused by a mutated gene. Signs of “Progeria” are wrinkled and aged skin, small faces, baldness, pitch nose, and dwarfism. The life expectancy of this disease does not usually past ones teenage years but there has been some cases that have lived into their late 20′s. There is no known cure for this disease at the time.


Argyria better known as the “blue skin disorder”, is a rare condition caused by improper exposure to chemical forms of the element silver, silver dust, or silver compounds. Argyria occurs in people who ingest or inhale silver in large quantities over a long period of time. He loves it when you call him big poppa “smurf ” that is. The only thing that this man is threatened by is Gargamel and his twisted cat Azrael.


Copros is a Greek word meaning “feces” and Phageinmeaning “to eat” put them together and you form the word “Coprophagia”. So what does Coprophagia mean, it means to eat shit !!! For humans it’s called “Coprophilla” also called scatophilia or scat. It is the sexual arousal of using feces for consumption or in the act of intercourse. What in the hell are people thinking? I guess it is safe to say that people with corprophilla must talk a lot of shit.


Leprosy or Hansen’s disease is a chronic disease that caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis). Leprosy is a granulomatous disease of the peripheral nerves and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. The skin is the first sign of leprosy. If left untreated, it will grow progressively and cause permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes. There are many different types of signs for leprosy which include runny nose, dry scalp, eye problems, and muscle weakness. Diagnosis of leporsy is often delayed due to the misconception of its symptoms. Treatment for Pauci-bacillary leprosy is rifampicin and dapsone for 6 months (1 to 5 skin lesions). Treatment is Multi-bacillary leprosy with rifampicin, clofazimine and dapsone for 12 months ( 5 or more lesions).


This disease is wild and is caused by warts that have excessively grown and has thicken like cement. Normally it begins with a single wart that spreads uncontrollably like wildfire on the skin. It is initially caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). There are many different types of HPV which include the common wart, respiratory warts, genital warts, plantar warts, and flat warts. There are only 2 vaccines that can help prevent HPV which are Gardasil and Cervarix. There is no current cure at this time for HPV. From extensive research, Ranksters have found only one hand surgeon who is capable of performing this horrifying procedure. His name is MD F. Herrera who has performed this procedure in the dark, with a blindfold on, and only using a dixie knife and spork.


Proteus syndrome is a congenital disorder caused by the over-growth of skin, bones, muscles, fatty tissues, and blood and the lymphatic vessels (highly associated with tumors to specific regions of the body). The word “proteus” was used due to the Greek god who was able to shift change to any shape. A team of doctors have been using “Rapamycin” as treatment for proteus syndrome and have found it effective but is not labeled to cure. There is no cure at this time for proteus syndrome.


Ichthyosis is mostly due to a skin genetic disorder. The skin is said to be thick, flaky, dry, and scaly. Ichthyosis closely resembles the skin of a fish. There are many types of classification of Ichthyosis which leads it to difficult diagnosis. A biposy of the skin and family history helps with diagnosis. Treatment for ichthyosis is topical application of creams and emollient oils to hydrate the skin. This disease was rank at #4 due to alien-like features at birth.


Better known as the “flesh eating disease” and is a bacterial infection of the lower layer of the skin and tissues. There are many different forms of bacteria that can cause this disease but it usually occurs to people who have a compromised immune system. The disease normally starts at a site where there may be a large or small trauma has occurred. The wound will eventually present inflammation and lead to a color disorder. Signs to watch for are fever and appearance of illness. Treatment for this disease is aggressive surgical debridement (removal of the infected area). If left untreated, death is normally the outcome.


Neurofibromatosis is a genetically-inherited disorder in which the nerve tissue grows tumors that cause serious damage by compressing nerves and other tissues. This disease is also known as von Recklinghausen disease. This disorder affects all neural crest cells which cause elements from these cell types to proliferate excessively throughout the body, forming tumors. The tumors may cause bumps under the skin, colored spots, skeletal problems, pressure on spinal nerve roots, and other neurological problems. There is no cure for this disease.


The diseases we just ranked through can be placed at any order, but we have decided that Elephantiasis is #1. Elephantiasis is a disease that is detailed with thickening of the skin and with the deep layers of our tissues. This disease most commonly targets the legs and male genitals. Elephantiasis occurs when a mosquito is nice enough to bite us and leave a parasitic worm in our body. The parasitic worm will then take a vacation in our lymphatic system causing obstruction in the lymphatic vessels that leads to swelling in the lower extremity, normally in the legs and genitals. Treatment for this disease is surgery but is generally ineffective at correcting elephantiasis of the limbs. In different parts of the world they are using antiparasitic medicine to treat lymphatic filariasis.



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