Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Top 10 Most Expensive Foods in the World

Food is one of the basic needs of everybody in the world. People eat various food ranging from the cheapest food to the most expensive food in the world. The price of the food that we eat sometime not related to how good their taste is, but one thing for sure is the proud to be one that can enjoy the most expensive food. If you have enjoyed one of the most expensive foods in the world, don’t forget to share your food with some people on this world that don’t have any luck like you that can eat well everyday. So, let’s take a look at those most expensive foods in the world

10. Fugu Fish: $55-$135 per pound
Fugu is Japanese word for putter fish. It’s a lethally poisonous because of its tetrodotoxin. It has to be carefully prepared by the professional and licensed chef so the toxic part can be removed. Usually fugu is prepared as sashimi and chirinabe.

most expensive food Fugu Fish
Fugu Fish

9. Wagyu Beef: $100-$150 per pound
Wagyu beef is considered as the finest beef in the world. They’re also the healthy one. It’s a beef that producing high percentage of oleaginous unsaturated fat as well as contains a higher percentage of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than typical beef. Wagyu beef is known all over the world for its marbling characteristics, increased eating quality through a naturally enhanced flavor, tenderness and juiciness. The beef itself was first introduced in Japan.

most expensive food Wagyu Beef
Wagyu Beef

8. Jamón Ibérico de Bellota: $85-$180 per pound
Jamón ibérico de bellota or Iberian acorn ham in English is the most expensive pork products in the world. Jamón ibérico de bellota is coming from the black iberian pig breed that raised on the forests along the border of Spain and Portuguese and they eat only seeds.

most expensive food Jamón Ibérico de Bellota
Jamón Ibérico de Bellota

7. Matsutake Mushrooms: $90-$905 per pound
The Matsutake mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake) has very high value in Japan from time to time. It was mainly grown in the root of Japanese red pine. It’s also grown on other countries but mainly exported to Japan due to high demand. For Japanese the mushroom is prized for its distinct spicy-aromatic odor.

most expensive food Matsutake Mushrooms
Matsutake Mushrooms

6. Kopi Luwak Coffee: $120-$600 per pound
Kopi luwak is the most expensive coffe in the world. Produced mainly on the islands of Indonesia, especially Sumatra. This coffee are harvested from Luwak (Asian Palm Civet) droppings that ate the gold blen of coffee berries. The animal stomach acid make an complex enzymatic process that makes the bean become unique in taste.

most expensive food Kopi Luwak Coffee
Kopi Luwak Coffee

5. La Bonnotte Potato: $135-$322 per pound
La Bonnotte Potato is a rare variety of potato also the most expensive potato in the world. The potatoes are exclusively cultivated in Isle of Noirmoutier. There, seaweed is added to the soil where to potatoes are grown.The taste of the potato was very unique. It’s a complex combination of lemon, earth and seas. There are just 20,000 kilograms of this potatoes are harvested each year.

most expensive food La Bonnotte Potato
La Bonnotte Potato

4. Saffron: $500-$5,000 per pound
Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. It was coming from Saffron Crocus or Crocius sativus. It was originated from Greece. Saffron has been grown for over 3000 years for culinary and medical purpose. The high price of Saffron is because of high demand rate, the difficult growth condition and the labor intensive harvesting process. You should imagine that 150,000 flowers needed for 2 pounds of Saffron.

most expensive food Saffron

3. Bird’s Nest Soup: $910-$4,535 per pound
This food is famous on the eastern culture so that this food usually called “Caviar of the east”. The food is coming from the glue-like saliva of the birds (especially swallows). You’re right, It’s a spit soup. Harvesting the bird’s nest is very hard job as it should be harvested from the caves. Bird’s nest is famous from the old time when the nest are used for culinary and medicinal purpose.

most expensive food Birds Nest soup
Bird's Nest soup

2. White Truffles: $1360-$4,200 per pound
White truffle is the most expensive truffle because of its intense flavor, rich aroma and of course its scarcity. White truffle has to be found underground and just can be grown on the particular region of Italy and Croatia. It’s quiet difficult to find a truffle underground, so to harvest white truffle people are used a pig as the truffle’s aroma can resemble the sex hormone of pig.

most expensive food White Truffles
White Truffles

1. Almas Caviar: $8,400-$15,500 per pound
The world “Almas” means diamond, It’s not surprising as Almas caviar is the most expensive caviar as well as most expensive food in the world. Almas Caviar is beluga caviar that white in appearance and coming from the Caspian Sea. The important fact about caviar is the older the fish the color will be lighter and usually the flavor will be more elegant and exquisite. Almas Caviar are mainly coming from Iran and it’s extremely rare and expensive.
most expensive food Almas Caviar
Almas Caviar


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