Monday, December 27, 2010

Osbourne Bored With Lady GaGa

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Singer Ozzy Osbourne thinks Lady Gaga should take a break for a little while from public life.She is getting to be to much. And she doesn't watch the exposure of her clothes.She is just too overexposed, a Hollywood website quoted Osbourne as saying.While Ozzy is a huge fan of the star, he is growing tired and bored seeing her all the time.

She could be the next Madonna if she played her cards right.I like her m but i am getting a bit sick of her.When i turn on the TV , i see her wearing another lampshade or whatever. I think she really really entertaining but she doing a bit too much.Every day it is something else., he said.The specialness of her is gonna get killed if she doesn't calm it down.Someone should whisper in her ear and say back off for a couple of months-- let people gain interest back.

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