The singer-and-actress – who was recently romantically linked to British actor Joshua Bowman after meeting him on the set of new movie ‘So Undercover’ – “loves” Australian boys, including her ex-boyfriend Liam Hemsworth, but does not plan to fall for one on a forthcoming trip Down Under as she is in a relationship.
Miley said: “I don’t want to cross out the Australian boys but I may or may not be single ... I love Australian boys though obviously.
“Liam and I are very close, I’m not going to comment too much, but you guys don’t have to worry about that ... I’m definitely not coming to Australia single.”
Miley, 18, also revealed she is not a fan of social networking site twitter because she doesn’t want to be “hypocritical” by encouraging interest in her personal life.
She told 2Day FM’s Kyle & Jackie O Show: “I do not tweet, I do not social network, I try to stay out of it ... for me, I complain enough about people knowing too much about my private life, so to go out there and exploit myself would be silly and hypocritical of what I stand for.”
The ‘Last Song’ actress was said to be “inseparable” from Joshua at the wrap party for ‘So Undercover’ earlier this year, but were taking things slowly.
A source said: “They were inseparable at the movie's wrap party but Miley's back in Los Angeles at the moment and Joshua's in Louisiana, so they're going to see how it goes."
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Miley Cyrus is not single
Can't Be,
Hannah Montana,
Miley Cyrus,
Nick Jonas,
funny April fool's pranks
Toilet Trouble
Put a piece of bubblewrap under the toilet seat so when your victim sits, they are surprised by a loud POP!
You Spilled What
Find an old bottle of nail polish that you don't want anymore. Unscrew the cap and set it sideways on a piece of waxed paper, letting the contents flow out into a puddle. When it dries completely, peel it off of the paper. Now you can put it anywhere and trick someone into thinking there is spilled nail polish. Works best on something your victim cherishes or on one of their important documents!
Classic Pranks
Two Black Eyes
Put a dark substance around the eyepiece of a pair of binoculars (we recommend dark eye-shadow instead of the black shoe polish used in the classic prank of yesteryear). Hand them to your victim and point out something for them to look at in the distance. Then laugh at the dark circles around their eyes.
Either late on March 31st or very early on April 1st sneak into a shared office and unplug two phones and re-plug them in with the lines crossed. Both victims will go nuts trying to figure out why they're getting each others' calls.
The Walls Have Eyes
Has your victim been working on an important document on their computer? Carefully hide the document in a safe place, then create a fake document with the same name. Fill the document with gobbledy-gook or a funny story. At the bottom put "April Fool's!"
Embarrassing Find
Sneak onto your victim's computer and do a Google search for something really embarrassing (hemorrhoids, gender reassignment surgery, butt pimples, etc.). Leave the results window open for all to see!
Put a piece of bubblewrap under the toilet seat so when your victim sits, they are surprised by a loud POP!
You Spilled What
Find an old bottle of nail polish that you don't want anymore. Unscrew the cap and set it sideways on a piece of waxed paper, letting the contents flow out into a puddle. When it dries completely, peel it off of the paper. Now you can put it anywhere and trick someone into thinking there is spilled nail polish. Works best on something your victim cherishes or on one of their important documents!
Classic Pranks
Two Black Eyes
Put a dark substance around the eyepiece of a pair of binoculars (we recommend dark eye-shadow instead of the black shoe polish used in the classic prank of yesteryear). Hand them to your victim and point out something for them to look at in the distance. Then laugh at the dark circles around their eyes.
Trip and Slip
Wait until your victim is in the kitchen. Come in and start filling a bucket with water (tell them you're washing the car or something). Only instead of actually filling the bucket, just pretend. Lift the bucket with both hands, acting like it's heavy and filled with water. Take a couple of steps in the victim's direction and suddenly "trip" and aim the bucket right toward them. They'll duck thinking they're getting splashed!
Do the Splits
Find a scrap of cloth. Place a dollar on the floor and stay nearby. When the victim comes by and bends down to pick up the dollar, rip the cloth loudly. Most people will reach back to see if they ripped their pants. One of the original classic April Fool's pranks of all time!
Find a scrap of cloth. Place a dollar on the floor and stay nearby. When the victim comes by and bends down to pick up the dollar, rip the cloth loudly. Most people will reach back to see if they ripped their pants. One of the original classic April Fool's pranks of all time!
Crossed Wires
Crossed Wires
Either late on March 31st or very early on April 1st sneak into a shared office and unplug two phones and re-plug them in with the lines crossed. Both victims will go nuts trying to figure out why they're getting each others' calls.
The Walls Have Eyes
Buy a bunch of googly eyes from a craft store and stick them everywhere all over a person's desk.
Stop the Calls
If the victim has a phone with a hook that presses down when the handset is in the cradle, tape it down. When he or she answers a call it will keep ringing.
Stop the Calls
If the victim has a phone with a hook that presses down when the handset is in the cradle, tape it down. When he or she answers a call it will keep ringing.
computer pranks
Document Panic
Document Panic
Has your victim been working on an important document on their computer? Carefully hide the document in a safe place, then create a fake document with the same name. Fill the document with gobbledy-gook or a funny story. At the bottom put "April Fool's!"
Embarrassing Find
Sneak onto your victim's computer and do a Google search for something really embarrassing (hemorrhoids, gender reassignment surgery, butt pimples, etc.). Leave the results window open for all to see!
Monday, March 28, 2011
A Taste of Honey (1961)
Country: UK
Director: Tony Richardson
From time to time national cinemas seem to experience bursts of creativity that result in concentrated periods of inspired output. To my mind the British film industry had two such "golden ages." One was the 1940s, when directors like David Lean, Carol Reed, and Michael Powell turned out one masterpiece after another. The other was the 1960s, when the young directors of the British New Wave like Tony Richardson, Lindsay Anderson, Karel Reisz (all of whom turned to directing after stints as critics at Sight and Sound), Bryan Forbes, and John Schlesinger made their greatest films. These young filmmakers were inspired both by the freedom of style of their French New Wave counterparts and by the politicized class-consciousness of the "Angry Young Man" writers like John Osborne, Alan Sillitoe, and Harold Pinter.
The most productive of these filmmakers during this time was Tony Richardson. Although like the rest of his contemporaries he eventually moved on to more mainstream projects, he directed no less than five notable British New Wave films between 1959 and 1963, when he won an Oscar for directing Tom Jones. The classic films of the British New Wave focus on alienated young men played by the likes of Albert Finney, Alan Bates, and Tom Courtenay. Richardson's A Taste of Honey (1961) is one of the few films to come out of the movement whose main character is a young woman.
Jo (Rita Tushingham) is a dreamy, introverted teenager in her last year at school who lives with her mother in a dreary flat in the industrial north of England. Her mother, Helen (Dora Bryan), is an irresponsible, unemployed, depressed woman nearing the wrong side of forty and just beginning a relationship with a somewhat younger man, Peter (Robert Stephens). Jo and her mother have a curious relationship based on a kind of role reversal in which Jo tries to moderate her mother's excesses (cigarettes, booze, too many late nights down the pub, and a string of unsatisfactory short-term relationships) while clinging to her for emotional support. The first half of the movie concentrates on their sometimes pathetic, sometimes quite funny relationship. When Peter asks Helen to marry him and makes it clear that he has no intention of accepting Jo along with her, Helen chooses to marry Peter and leave Jo behind. As her mother prepares for a new life, Jo, rightly feeling emotionally abandoned, begins a romance of her own—her first—with a gentle, likable black cook on a ship temporarily in port.
The second half of the movie finds Helen married and Jo living on her own. Having left school and set up house in a flat in the upstairs of a large warehouse, Jo works as a sales clerk in a shoe store, where she meets a young gay man, Geoff (Murray Melvin), with whom she later strikes up a friendship. Geoff, who has been evicted by his landlady after she surprised him in bed with another man, eventually moves in with Jo, and after Jo realizes she is pregnant by her sailor, the two develop a platonic relationship based on their own kind of role reversal. The good-natured Geoff fusses around the flat decorating, housekeeping, and cosseting Jo during her pregnancy and making plans to care for the baby after it is born while Jo sinks into lethargy and sullenness. Just as they seem to be working through their problems toward some kind of stable, family-like living arrangement, Helen turns up, asserting her maternal rights and threatening to break up her daughter's newly forged alternative family.
Like Richardson's first two films, Look Back in Anger and The Entertainer (both written by John Osborne), A Taste of Honey is based on a play, written by Lancashire-born Shelagh Delaney when she was just eighteen years old. But if you weren't aware in advance that the source of the film is a stage play, you probably wouldn't know it from watching the movie. Richardson and Delaney worked together to adapt the play for the screen, and they clearly did a great deal more than the conventional "opening up" of a stage work by moving a few scenes outdoors. The play takes place mostly in the one small flat seen at the beginning of the film, and one thing Richardson and Delaney did was move the second half of the film to a new flat Jo rents after Helen leaves. This light-filled place, with its open spaces and wall of windows, makes quite a contrast with the dark, shabby flat of the beginning, so cramped that Jo and Helen must share a bed. The converted factory loft suggests a new, freer, almost bohemian life for Jo, who like Geoff is a talented artist.
Richardson and Delaney also added completely new scenes set outside—a winter day out in Blackpool, a holiday parade in Manchester where Jo meets up with Geoff again followed by an evening at a fun fair, a picnic and visit to nearby caves by Jo and Geoff, the Guy Fawkes Day bonfire at the end of the film in the courtyard of the warehouse where Jo lives. But they do more than just set and film scenes outdoors. Wonderfully assisted by the subtle b&w cinematography of Walter Lassally (he later won an Oscar for Zorba the Greek), they make the drab workaday streets, factories, docks, and river in and around Manchester, where the movie was shot, an integral part of the film in a way no stage play can. The result is to plunge the viewer into the midst of Jo's soul-destroying working-class world, a grim place that pollutes and corrodes the lives and dreams of the young and the not-so-young alike.
As Jo, eighteen-year old Rita Tushingham is just sensational—intelligent, observant, and mindful of the needs of others, a mature soul in a young and inexperienced body. She comes across as emotionally starved without being needy, aware of her own aspirations without being grasping or selfish, sensitive without being weak. She deservedly won the best actress award at the Cannes Film Festival for her work here. This was Tushingham's first film role (according to IMDb, she was chosen from among 2,000 actresses who wanted the part), and she went on to become one of the most visible young British actresses of the sixties, along with Julie Christie and Lynn and Vanessa Redgrave, who also first came to prominence in films of the British New Wave.
Helping define the character of Jo are the two people she has close relationships with, her mother in the first half of the film and her roommate Geoff in the second half. Jo's gregarious mother Helen is played by the veteran comic stage and television actress Dora Bryan, who tears into her colorful role with a degree of gusto that contrasts sharply with the underplayed style of Tushingham yet doesn't seem inappropriate for the character. Helen—shallow, mercurial, self-centered—is very much the opposite of her daughter. She lacks the independence and inner maturity of Jo, yet precisely because of her essential weakness she comes across mostly sympathetically, not the caricatured harridan she might easily have been. She seems genuinely to care for Jo but to lack the selflessness and consistency of character that would allow her to relate to Jo in a truly maternal way. Even though her part is really more a supporting one than a lead, Bryan received the BAFTA award as best actress.
Murray Melvin, the only cast member to have appeared in the original London stage production, makes an equally able foil for Jo in the second half of the film. Delaney has said that one of the things that motivated her to write A Taste of Honey was the dishonesty of the portrayal of gay characters in theater and literature. In Geoff she certainly created a character conceived with great respect and sympathy. It's true that Jo's sailor boyfriend is also depicted quite sympathetically, but the way he cares for Jo is more casual than the way Geoff does. Geoff cares for Jo not only because it is in his nature but because he feels a deep personal connection to her as another outsider coping with being a social misfit. Melvin, who like Tushingham received a best acting award at Cannes, makes Geoff a very poignant character indeed. At the end of the film, after he has been pushed out of Jo's life by Helen and seen his dreams of finding a place of permanent security vanish, he stands in the shadows of the courtyard, forlornly watching Jo by the light of the bonfire. It's a sobering and heartbreaking moment that makes us realize that while Jo at least has an imperfect future ahead of her, Geoff's future seems wholly devoid of hope.
A Taste of Honey is a first-rate film in all respects and a very intelligent one to boot. It's difficult to believe that a movie with such insight into its characters' emotions and moods, and so aware of the power their environment has over them, is the product of the imagination of an eighteen-year old writer. It's a melancholic film that treats its melancholy in neither an overly intellectual nor an overly sentimental way and is all the more moving for its temperate view of the essential sadness of life.
Tony Richardson's other British New Wave films are well worth checking out: Look Back in Anger (1959) with Richard Burton and Claire Bloom; The Entertainer (1960) with Laurence Olivier and a slew of up-and-coming young British actors, including Olivier's future wife, Joan Plowright (she played Jo in the Broadway production of A Taste of Honey and Angela Lansbury played Helen); The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962) with Tom Courtenay and Michael Redgrave, maybe the best of Richardson's British New Wave films; and Tom Jones (1963) with Albert Finney, the movie that signaled Richardson's transition to mainstream filmmaking but still shows British New Wave influence in its exuberant style and screenplay by John Osborne. Other key performances by Rita Tushingham are in The Girl with Green Eyes (1964) with Peter Finch and Lynn Redgrave and directed by A Taste of Honey's camera operator Desmond Davis, very good in an atypically shrewish role in The Leather Boys (1964), and in Richard Lester's The Knack (1965) with Michael Crawford. Trivia note: the assistant director of A Taste of Honey was Peter Yates, who later became a noted director in his own right (Bullitt, The Friends of Eddie Coyle, Breaking Away, The Dresser).
Country: UK
Director: Tony Richardson
From time to time national cinemas seem to experience bursts of creativity that result in concentrated periods of inspired output. To my mind the British film industry had two such "golden ages." One was the 1940s, when directors like David Lean, Carol Reed, and Michael Powell turned out one masterpiece after another. The other was the 1960s, when the young directors of the British New Wave like Tony Richardson, Lindsay Anderson, Karel Reisz (all of whom turned to directing after stints as critics at Sight and Sound), Bryan Forbes, and John Schlesinger made their greatest films. These young filmmakers were inspired both by the freedom of style of their French New Wave counterparts and by the politicized class-consciousness of the "Angry Young Man" writers like John Osborne, Alan Sillitoe, and Harold Pinter.
The most productive of these filmmakers during this time was Tony Richardson. Although like the rest of his contemporaries he eventually moved on to more mainstream projects, he directed no less than five notable British New Wave films between 1959 and 1963, when he won an Oscar for directing Tom Jones. The classic films of the British New Wave focus on alienated young men played by the likes of Albert Finney, Alan Bates, and Tom Courtenay. Richardson's A Taste of Honey (1961) is one of the few films to come out of the movement whose main character is a young woman.

The second half of the movie finds Helen married and Jo living on her own. Having left school and set up house in a flat in the upstairs of a large warehouse, Jo works as a sales clerk in a shoe store, where she meets a young gay man, Geoff (Murray Melvin), with whom she later strikes up a friendship. Geoff, who has been evicted by his landlady after she surprised him in bed with another man, eventually moves in with Jo, and after Jo realizes she is pregnant by her sailor, the two develop a platonic relationship based on their own kind of role reversal. The good-natured Geoff fusses around the flat decorating, housekeeping, and cosseting Jo during her pregnancy and making plans to care for the baby after it is born while Jo sinks into lethargy and sullenness. Just as they seem to be working through their problems toward some kind of stable, family-like living arrangement, Helen turns up, asserting her maternal rights and threatening to break up her daughter's newly forged alternative family.
Like Richardson's first two films, Look Back in Anger and The Entertainer (both written by John Osborne), A Taste of Honey is based on a play, written by Lancashire-born Shelagh Delaney when she was just eighteen years old. But if you weren't aware in advance that the source of the film is a stage play, you probably wouldn't know it from watching the movie. Richardson and Delaney worked together to adapt the play for the screen, and they clearly did a great deal more than the conventional "opening up" of a stage work by moving a few scenes outdoors. The play takes place mostly in the one small flat seen at the beginning of the film, and one thing Richardson and Delaney did was move the second half of the film to a new flat Jo rents after Helen leaves. This light-filled place, with its open spaces and wall of windows, makes quite a contrast with the dark, shabby flat of the beginning, so cramped that Jo and Helen must share a bed. The converted factory loft suggests a new, freer, almost bohemian life for Jo, who like Geoff is a talented artist.
Richardson and Delaney also added completely new scenes set outside—a winter day out in Blackpool, a holiday parade in Manchester where Jo meets up with Geoff again followed by an evening at a fun fair, a picnic and visit to nearby caves by Jo and Geoff, the Guy Fawkes Day bonfire at the end of the film in the courtyard of the warehouse where Jo lives. But they do more than just set and film scenes outdoors. Wonderfully assisted by the subtle b&w cinematography of Walter Lassally (he later won an Oscar for Zorba the Greek), they make the drab workaday streets, factories, docks, and river in and around Manchester, where the movie was shot, an integral part of the film in a way no stage play can. The result is to plunge the viewer into the midst of Jo's soul-destroying working-class world, a grim place that pollutes and corrodes the lives and dreams of the young and the not-so-young alike.



A Taste of Honey is a first-rate film in all respects and a very intelligent one to boot. It's difficult to believe that a movie with such insight into its characters' emotions and moods, and so aware of the power their environment has over them, is the product of the imagination of an eighteen-year old writer. It's a melancholic film that treats its melancholy in neither an overly intellectual nor an overly sentimental way and is all the more moving for its temperate view of the essential sadness of life.
Tony Richardson's other British New Wave films are well worth checking out: Look Back in Anger (1959) with Richard Burton and Claire Bloom; The Entertainer (1960) with Laurence Olivier and a slew of up-and-coming young British actors, including Olivier's future wife, Joan Plowright (she played Jo in the Broadway production of A Taste of Honey and Angela Lansbury played Helen); The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962) with Tom Courtenay and Michael Redgrave, maybe the best of Richardson's British New Wave films; and Tom Jones (1963) with Albert Finney, the movie that signaled Richardson's transition to mainstream filmmaking but still shows British New Wave influence in its exuberant style and screenplay by John Osborne. Other key performances by Rita Tushingham are in The Girl with Green Eyes (1964) with Peter Finch and Lynn Redgrave and directed by A Taste of Honey's camera operator Desmond Davis, very good in an atypically shrewish role in The Leather Boys (1964), and in Richard Lester's The Knack (1965) with Michael Crawford. Trivia note: the assistant director of A Taste of Honey was Peter Yates, who later became a noted director in his own right (Bullitt, The Friends of Eddie Coyle, Breaking Away, The Dresser).
British Cinema,
Rita Tushingham,
Tony Richardson
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Celebrity Rumor Mill
Celebrity Rumor Mill
Rihanna, Chris Brown
MediaTakeOut reports that “Chris Brown’s camp is speaking with Rihanna’s people and trying to see if the two artists can have a joint tour.” According to the site, “Tickets for [Rihanna's] tour aren’t selling as well as they hoped, and adding Chris to the lineup would definitely help.” The site adds, “Rihanna would definitely do it.” For how the two singers feel about performing together and when their tour would begin. (Link)
Kate Hudson, Couples
“Kate Hudson: Pregnant & Betrayed,” reads the headline of an In Touch story that reports Hudson’s baby daddy, Matt Bellamy, is cheating on her. According to the mag, Bellamy was caught “holding hands and kissing” a “sweet college girl” at a party thrown by Bellamy and his Muse bandmates. In Touch goes on to paint Bellamy as a philandering party animal. (Link)
Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt
According to In Touch, Jennifer Aniston recently went on the “worst date ever.” The mag reports her blind date “didn’t even wait for Jen to show up before ordering,” and when she did sit down, he “kept on asking questions about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.” Wait, it gets worse. When the bill came, the guy wanted to split the check. (Link)
Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez
HollywoodLife reports there’s a “feud brewing between Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez & Rebecca Black.” According to the site, newcomer Black “cast the first stone by gushing about Selena’s guy Justin Bieber in interviews.” And the reason for Black’s troubles with Lovato is that she may “replace Demi as the next Disney Channel ‘it girl,’” says the site, which warns she shouldn’t “try to ignite something with Demi’s ex, Joe Jonas. (Link)
Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick
In Touch reports that Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian are embroiled in a “battle for the baby.” According to the magazine, the fighting has become so fierce between them over son Mason, Disick recently “put an end to their wedding plans,” and said he’s going to consult a custody lawyer “in case things don’t work out between them.” (Link)
Justin Bieber, Musicians
The National Enquirer reports that when Justin Bieber recently left a Los Angeles recording studio, a teenage female fan asked for a hug. As Bieber obliged, notes the mag, he suddenly “felt a slight tug on the back of his head.” According to the Enquirer, the young girl then “triumphantly held up a tiny lock of Bieber hair she’d snipped with fingernail scissors and squealed: ‘I got it!’” before dashing off. (Link)
Jessica Biel, Gerard Butler
Perez Hilton reports that “only days after her split with JT [Justin Timberake], Jessica Biel has been focused on flirting with hunky Gerard Butler all over Louisiana,” where the two are filming a movie. He adds that the attractive stars “have also been spending an awful lot of time off the set,” going to dinners, and drinking “margaritas left and right!” (Link)
Lady Gaga, Musicians
According to the Mirror, Lady Gaga is spending about $2 million to redecorate her New York apartment, and wants to “install her giant Grammys stage egg as a bed.” The British tab reports that Gaga will “be able to sleep in it, in place of a double bed,” and explains, “when she’s in it she feels at peace.” (Link)
Britney Spears, Musicians
According to Perez Hilton, Britney Spears has “hired a money management tutor from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA to help her understand the basics of finance so she can manage her own affairs.” Perez explains that Spears “wants to win control of her finances. The tutor will help with basic skills – like balancing personal accounts and time management.” (Link)
Reality, Breakups
“It’s Over!” exclaims OK! in a cover story about “The Bachelor” Brad Womack and his fiancée, Emily Maynard. According to the mag, “They’re still smiling for the cameras, but Emily has now dumped Brad for good” after watching him fool around with other women on the show. Adds the weekly, “Although Emily is doing her best to abide by ‘The Bachelor’ agreements… she’s having a hard time being around him.” (Link)
Jessica Simpson, Eric Johnson
Star reveals exclusive “details of the iron-clad prenup” between Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson. According to the mag, Johnson will get half a million dollars “as a wedding present. Then, on each anniversary, he’ll get another $200,000. If he and Jessica make it to five years of marriage, he’ll get an additional $500,000 bonus – and a $1 million bonus if they make it to 10 years.” And there’s more. (Link)
Most revealing red carpet fashions ever
Most revealing red carpet fashions ever
Rihanna’s dress at the Grammys got us thinking… Who can forget Jennifer Lopez’s famous jungle dress at the Grammys, or Lil’ Kim’s pasties at the VMAs? When celebrities want attention, they know how to get it. From almost naked to way too sheer, these 10 celebrities’ red carpet outfits left little – or absolutely nothing – to the imagination.
As Rihanna walked the red carpet at the 2011 Grammys, people actually asked her “Who are you wearing?” How was that their first question? Ours was, “what, exactly, do you have on underneath the tissue paper stripes you have swathed around your naked form?” In case you wanted the answer to the first question, it’s Jean Paul Gaultier. The answer to the latter question remains a mystery.
Jennifer Lopez
Ah, the infamous Versace jungle print ‘dress’ that introduced the population to a whole new interpretation of what qualifies as an appropriate award show outfit. When Jennifer Lopez arrived at the 2000 Grammy awards, she was basically wearing a sarong that had been fashioned into a dress over teal bikini boy shorts. She was actually nominated for an award that night, but does anyone even remember whether she won or lost?Toni Braxton
It was so innovative of Jennifer Lopez to start the whole, “there’s really no need to wear a ‘dress’ when you can just put on some scraps of fabric” trend. As you can see, it caught on quickly among famous exhibitionists like Grammy nominee and winner Toni Braxton. The singer wore this uh, white apron-cape with a sequin belt (for what? modesty?) at the 2001 awards. We really hope it wasn’t windy that night.
Taylor Momsen
It’s not just the Grammys that brings out celebrities’ inner provocateurs. Taylor Momsen has become quite well known for wearing underwear as outerwear on red carpets despite the fact that she is 17 and looks horribly inappropriate when she shows up at, say, the premiere of Justin Bieber’s movie dressed this way. If this picture has you asking “where are her parents!?” don’t worry, you’re not alone.Leighton Meester
On the opposite end of the classy spectrum is Taylor Momsen’s Gossip Girl co-star, Leighton Meester. The stylish and usually fully covered star startled everyone when she showed up at the Harry Winston Court of Jewels Recreation in a completely sheer Marchesa romper with a plunging neckline. Our rule of thumb? If your outfit requires you to borrow your grandmother’s lace underwear (and it shows), do reconsider.
Rose McGowan
Honestly, Rose McGowan, there’s shock value, and then there’s just showing up naked. You did the latter at the VMAs in 1998. Très déclassé.
Lil’ Kim
If you’re having a sparkly lavender bodysuit custom-made for the ’99 VMAs, it’s only natural that you’d say to your seamstress, “could you sew it so my left breast is completely exposed and then make a matching pasty? I really think it would add a little something extra – I just don’t think my sparkly lavender bodysuit and matching purple wig have enough of a wow-factor.” At least, that’s the conversation we like to imagine took place…
Katy Perry
While Jennifer Lopez gets credit for single-handedly reviving the double-sided tape industry, Britney Spears helped launched another form of titillating bodywear in the music video for Toxic: the bedazzled nude bodysuit. Katy Perry wore the dress form of this trend to the 2010 MTV movie awards, but she adapted Spears’ bodysuit, on which the rhinestones were randomly scattered, to make her outfit a little more MTV-audience-friendly.
Christina Aguilera
This is how Christina Aguilera looked in 2000. We’ll just pause and let that sink in. Remember our rule of thumb for Leighton Meester? We have one for Christina, too. Laces are for shoes, not clothes. We’re not even going to address that hairstyle.
Coco Austin
How To,
Life Style,
red carpet,
the Grammys
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